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Home: Famous Quote

Unbridled Growth

Photo by Belle Hunt on Unsplash

Photo by Ben Neale on Unsplash


Vines can grow in the most remarkably inhospitable places.  Vines ensure their own survival by unfurling into any space where they can reach the sun, nutrients, and water they need.  The most unlikely, unkind environments are no challenge for their fierce, unbridled will to live.  


Vines rarely grow in isolation.  Notice how they will encircle and holdfast to other structures to further their growth.  Once securely connected, vines can be quite difficult to tame or limit.  Their roots are strong and deep, and their tendrils are unrepressed.  The structures they call home are often irrevocably changed and made more strikingly beautiful by the vines' presence.  


Vines are symbolic of the ultimate will to persevere...the drive to survive and thrive together.


We let fear and shame make our world small.  We each have an unlimited capacity for growth, but we are less likely to grow if we’re comfortable.  If we’re not paying attention, we can let fear and shame influence our decisions.  The most rewarding growth is often in the discomfort, in doing the scary thing.  So ask yourself this:  How small do I want my world to be?  Do I want to live my life ruled by fear and shame?  Or do I want to be like the vine, doing absolutely everything to find light?  The choice is yours.  I’ll be here when you’re ready to take the risk.  

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